Dehydrated skin, Causes And How To Care for dehydrated skin


Dehydration is a condition caused by a lack of sufficient moisture in the cellular system and intercellular channels ( within the cell, almost everything that happens inside you happens inside a cell). This is one of the most common skin conditions that most people experience. Dehydration skin is one of the most difficult skin conditions to recognize because usually confused with dryness. However, the difference is, while dehydration is cause by lack of water, dry skin technically lacks oil; both dehydration and dryness have many similarities; both dry and oily skin type may be dehydrated. 


Cause of dehydration: Dehydration is cause by the compromised permeability of the lipid barrier. Permeability barrier is the formation of natural moisturizing factors, it function includes but is not limited to maintenance of water gradient, which limits water loss through the skin. When compromised it leads to cracks in the skin due to decreasing skin suppleness, softness, and flexibility of the stratum corneum. A reduction in the size of the flattened corneocytes- the outermost part of the epidermis/skin) and a lower capacity by the skin to retain moisture. Atmospheric conditions such as too much sun, wind and not using daytime protective moisturizers can aggravate dehydration.

Factors such as inappropriate skin care products and cleansing with harsh soap and water can lead to dehydrated skin.


The appearance of dehydrated skin: Dehydrated skin looks dry, scaly and flaky. It feels tight and cold and wrinkles easily. Sometimes the skin appears as if it had an additional thin layer of skin placed on top, particularly evidents on the nose and forehead.


Care for dehydrated skin: The regime for dehydrated skin care requires moisturizers containing ingredients that protect the skin from moisture loss and restore internal skin hydration. Moisturizing ingredients high molecular weight help reduce transepidermal water loss and help retain inner moisture ingredients including, but not limited to, Collagen, vegetable glycerin, and fatty acids are essential to restore or improve the skin’s lipid barrier and also reduce water loss. Aloe vera is an outstanding botanical ingredient for dehydrated skin. 

In addition to moisturizers with these ingredients, a hydrating mask is also helpful. Lavender essential oil helps correct imbalance, and gentle oils like rose essential oil soothe the skin. 


Holistic view: drinking excess coffee, soda, diuretics, alcohol, or smoking aggravate dehydration. Enough water intake daily help naturally hydrate the body. Diet should include plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables. My personal favourite is some smoothies in-between meal. 


Face mask: Honey mixed with mashed avocado or banana is an easy way to go.


Love and Light

Nafsi botanicals