Internal and External Factors that Determine Skin Type; Doctors, dermatologists, and beauticians often refer to the four main skin types, which include normal, dry, oily, and sensitive skin. While these are the four main terms commonly used regarding a person’s skin type, it is also possible to have a combination of different skin types in several and different areas of the skin.

The appearance and the condition of our skin are essential to the overall health of our bodies. When your body’s skin is healthy, it works extremely hard to protect your body. The condition of our skin will also reflect in its smoothness, hydration, and even its colour.

There are many different internal and external factors that affect the skin’s health, thus influencing how it appears and feels. Some of these factors are out of our control, but there are many other factors that we are ultimately responsible for keeping our skin healthy and looking good.


Internal Factors: Most internal factors that influence the health of your skin and your skin type are related to hormones, genetics, and certain health conditions such as diabetes.

Genetics: Our genetic makeup can often determine your skin type and also affect the overall condition of the skin

Hormones: our hormones and the changes in your hormone levels can also significantly impact your skin and skin type. During puberty, a person’s body goes through dramatic hormone changes triggering acne. Also, when a woman is pregnant, her hormone levels change once again, resultaing to an increased amount of melanin produced, which can cause discolouration of the skin. When a woman goes through menopause, her hormone levels change yet again. Menopause causes a drop in estrogen, the hormone responsible for maintaining the skin’s moisture balance.

External factors influencing skin type can also influence your skin’s health, appearance, and these types are determine by your environment and the lifestyle and health choices that we make

UV Radiation: Free radicals are dangerous molecules that cause cell damage. A normal skin type contains many antioxidants that assist in protecting the skin by neutralizing all of the free radicals in the body. UV light generates free radicals, and as a result, our skin becomes more prone to damage.


Aggressive Products: Naturally, our skin is mildly acidic and has a pH -level of 5. Any products with an alkaline pH push the skin’s natural neutralizing capabilities too hard may damage the skin cells and dry skin. Which might also make us more prone to skin infections and diseases like dermatitis


Exposure to Chemicals: Chemicals in the workplace do not only affect those people who work in chemical plants or factories, but it also includes a profession like a hairdresser or someone similar who is in regular contact with solvents, lacquers, and detergents


Washing Too Much: When a person bathes too much for a long period, with extrimely hot water, it can potentially cause the skin to lose its natural moisturizing properties and also its surface lipids (fats)


Nutrition: A poor diet is also a leading cause of dry skin. When you consume a well-balanced diet with all the right minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, you will help keep your skin healthy and in good condition. Make sure your diet has a mix of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean sources of proteins such as chicken or fish.

Therapeutic Treatment: Unfortunately, although sometimes a person needs to take certain medicines to try and treat their illness, they can have temporary side effects on the skin. Medications such as chemotherapy, laxatives, diuretics, radiotherapy, and dialysis can make your skin even more sensitive.

Stress: has many negatives health effects on our bodies, but when stress is more severe and uncontrolled, you will most likely see it on your skin. It can make your skin even more sensitive, and as a result, you could suffer from typical problems that a person with a sensitive skin type suffers from, acne and psoriasis.

A lack of sleep: harms your appearance and your body’s ability to function properly. When you get enough sleep (between 7-8 hours each night), you give your skin sufficient time to regenerate it.

Lack of Exercise: Exercise is not just for keeping in shape and staying slim, regular exercise has a positive impact on your health, especially your skin’s health.

Smoking: Of course, smoking anything is harmful, but did you know that when you smoke tobacco, you are helping your body to produce even more free radicals, therefore you are damaging your skin even more.


When you acquire more knowledge about your skin type and its properties, it will help you take better care of your skin and also help you choose the right skincare products and skin treatment regimes.


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